Monday, 14 March 2011

Hello everyone,
Recently Penguin World has been being DoS’d  by one of the Crocodiles.
How I know this?
It was the same IP as their VPS IP that Chris.Crocodile hosted a few things on.
The Penguin World servers are MUCH more stable than before.
I hope to see you on Penguin World!
Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Are there TOO MANY private servers?

Hey guys,
I put up a poll asking are there too many private servers? So far 60% of you say no, and 40% of you say yes.
I put up this question because new private servers are popping up every day, and at this rate in a few months we will probably have something like 50 private servers! Could this be a bad thing? Obviously with 50 private servers you could only play a handful of them, or just mainly play one, because it would be impossible to log on each one.
The “demand” for private servers, is pretty high, so if there are 50 private servers, maybe people will just find the private server they like, and just stick with it.
However sometimes I just liked how during iCPv3, there was only ONE private server, which made it a lot easier to meet friends on, because you could just say “meet me on the private server” and everyone would know what you were talking about. Now you have to be like “xCPPS? Penguin Elite? Penguin World? etc.”
I also find it kind of funny how a few months ago we were all begging for more private servers, now almost half of you are saying slow down on the private servers!
What are your thoughts on this, do you think that there are too many private servers? Should we only have one “main” private server?
Posted in Private Server News | 37 Comments

Penguin Elite Updates + DDoS Attacks?

Do you think someone knows your password on Penguin Elite? Well we are now introducing a password changer! We will also be introducing a “Forgot password” recovery tool that sends your current password to the email address you signed up with, so don’t enter a fake email!
Also, we have recently been under several DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service), along with many other private servers.
Penguin Elite is ran on a server that has DDoS protection, but that can only do so much for us.
If we DO undergo a DDoS attack, please do not ask staff members when it will be back up, same with other servers.
Penguin Elite’s servers will automatically re-stabilize themselves after such an attack.
Change Password
Posted in Penguin Elite, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

New Atlantic Penguin Agent Mascot

Hi Everyone!
I have some pretty awesome news! Atlantic Penguin has released an agent mascot!

YOU (yes, you) can become the mascot by saying !UP agent. What do you think of the agent mascot? Leave a comment!
Posted in AtlanticPenguin, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Atlantic Penguin New Site

Atlantic Penguin have come across a new website, exactly like club penguin’s
They have also introduced (From iPenguin) Events!

There are also ones like ‘Gary is hiding, find him first and win a stripe’
Due to this, all staff will have full badge and star so the limit of winning ‘stripes’ will be 3 stripes and no star.
What do you think about winning badges? Tell us bellow in a comment!
Visit Atlantic Penguin
Posted in AtlanticPenguin | 2 Comments

xCPPS Updates

xCPPS has officially moved servers. This one should be more stable and prevent a lot of downtime. The new server is called ‘Snowy Hill’. We now have two servers! Snowy Hill and Candy Mountain.

We’ve also fixed the igloos and stamps! The igloos now work including furniture and music.
You can get igloo, furniture, and igloo music by saying the following commands:
!af (ID) - Add Furniture
!ui (ID) - Upgrade Igloo
!um (ID) – Upgrade Music
It may say ‘Load Error: Please clear your cache and try again’. We’ll fix that error soon. For now, log off and log back on, and it shouldn’t say it again for a while.

Last but not least, we’ve fixed the item glitch. In the past, you may have noticed that some of the items are ‘x’ in your inventory and don’t show up when you put it on, well we’ve fixed that problem and now you can wear any item you wish!
Have fun
Posted in xCPPS | 16 Comments

Penguin Elite Moved Servers + New Stuff

Hello, I am proud to announce that Penguin Elite has moved to a new server!
The stats of the server are almost 3x better than our old one, so there should be A LOT less downtime.
We’ve also added a new room called the 1337 room. Type !JR 899 to get there.
Hope to see you guys online!
Posted in Penguin Elite | 6 Comments

ClubPenguinV Beta Party Begins!

ClubPenguinV have started their beta party!
You can pick up your exclusive beta hat today!
Here’s a picture of it:

You receive the actual blue and green party hat! Be sure to get it soon, it’s going to get patched soon!
Again, to play click here.
Posted in ClubPenguinV | 3 Comments

HypeCP To Have A Party!

HypeCP will be having a party which will be taking place on the 16th March 2011, and will feature on the whole Island. There will be lots of fun stuff to do, however most of it for now is secret. Although I can give you an image of possibly what the Town will look like for this Party :

What do you think of it? I quite like it, however this may change, so if you don’t like it don’t worry.
What do you want to see at the Party? Custom items, rooms or more Servers? Comment your ideas and suggestions!
Vyper Guy
Posted in HypeCP | 8 Comments

The truth behind the leak

Hello there, this is Alex, a xCPPS owner. Some of you may be weary of coming on xCPPS, because a few posts back, a post about a password leak was posted. But, we did NOT have any accounts/passwords stored in our servers in a text file, and the passwords are encrypted with MD5 (a type of encryption) with my salt (a random code that I enter that the hash is ‘based off of’), so that nobody can use a rainbow table method to decrypt the passwords if they get access (rainbow tables is like going to a site that has a MD5 hash database, typing something in, and it checks the database).
That is why, xCPPS is highly secure.

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